
Holiday Beauty!!

During the holiday season, beauty comes in many forms – we adorn ourselves, our houses and our plates.  Here are some of my favorite holiday ingredients for beautifying ourselves and our meals:


Kiwi – kiwifruit named after the New Zealand kiwi bird because both are small, brown and furry.  Kiwi is a smart carb, has a low glycemic index which means it won’t produce an insulin rush.
Beautiful skin:  Collagen, the skins support system is reliant on Vitamin C as an essential nutrient.  One kiwi has 64 milligrams of Vitamin C that works as an antioxidant to help prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution and stress.  It can improves overall skin texture.
Kiwifruit creates an alkaline balance to our diets that offset the acidic food we eat.  The benefits of an alkaline/acid balanced diet contributes to youthful skin, deeper sleep, more energy, less arthritis and reduces osteoporosis.
A word of caution:  People with kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating kiwi due to measurable amounts of oxalates.  Also, if you are allergic to latex you may be allergic to kiwi as well.
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Peppermint:  Candy canes and peppermint candies are a favorite at Christmas time.  Peppermint leaves or oil can aid in digestion and improve concentration.  You can apply the oil directly to your temples or massage some on your wrist to relieve headache discomfort.
Cinnamon:  2-3 cups of cinnamon tea will help reduce IBS symptoms.  Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil diluted with water can be used to disinfect doorknobs, counter tops, toys and more, and it will make your house smell great.  Cinnamon oil is often used to treat or control head lice, black ants, bed bugs and a great defense against mosquitos.
Cloves:  Latin word “clavus” means nail. In the late Middle Ages an orange was pierced with cloves, called a pomander, which really was an early form of aromatherapy.  They were used to freshen closets and kept moths away.  You can also pierce an onion with cloves and add it to broths or soups.


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